Year 2, Day 283

It’s Monday, and we should be dropping you off at daycare before we go on vacation… but your rash looks really bad.  Grandma came over early to watch you while we got ready to leave for the airport, and then she took you in to the doctor.  You have hand-foot-and-mouth disease…

Year 2, Day 104

So, today was your 15 month checkup with the doctor.  You’re 35 inches tall and 28 pounds.  Within the last 3 months, you’ve grown 2 inches and gained 2 pounds.  Since you’re so strong and climbing, the doctor said that we’re not to take our eyes off of you for one second.  You have some fluid in your ears still, but nothing the doctor is concerned about.  We need to start putting Aquaphor on your cheeks to help with the redness/dryness.  When you throw a tantrum, we’re supposed to ignore you.

Year 2, Day 88

Well, you still have ear infections.  Dad picked you up from school today and took you to the doctor.  Another round of antibiotics, lots of children’s Tylenol, and sleep whenever and however much you want.  Looks like cranky-pants is sticking around for a little while…

Year 2, Day 87

No picture today.  You were a little groggy when we picked you up from school.  You had a tiny fever, and your nose was a little runny.  You wouldn’t eat for dad, and you had to be held.  Dad said that when you guys walked in the door, you said “ba-ba” and “mama”.  You all but fell asleep in my arms by 5:30.  No bath, no dinner; just sleep.  And you slept all night without a peep.  This really isn’t like you, buddy.