Year 2, Day 120

Gotta have that Tex-Mex food!  You had another awesome day today.   We woke up and went to My Gym like normal, and then we went to the D/FW Golf Show.  Woo hoo!  We went last year, too; you might not remember, you slept pretty much the whole time.  This year, the show was really crowded, so we didn’t stay very long.  We got Fuzzy’s for lunch, which you loved!

Year 2, Day 107

Dinner at a restaurant, woo hoo!  Aunt KK celebrated her birthday at Maggiano’s Little Italy today.  You had some ravioli with vodka sauce, some chicken parmesan, and some mozzarella with marinara.  You woke up at 1:45am with a bad tummy ache and ended up sleeping with us the rest of the night.  No more red sauce for you for a little while, okay?

Year 2, Day 99

Look at dad with the “no-look-hand-grab”!  You’re fast, but you’re not that fast.  We had so much fun today.  We went to gym class, then we went to the park, and we had dinner with Grammy and KK.  You did so well at the restaurant, such a well behaved little man!  Getting you to fall asleep was another story.  You didn’t want to nap or fall asleep today.