Year 2, Day 120

Gotta have that Tex-Mex food!  You had another awesome day today.   We woke up and went to My Gym like normal, and then we went to the D/FW Golf Show.  Woo hoo!  We went last year, too; you might not remember, you slept pretty much the whole time.  This year, the show was really crowded, so we didn’t stay very long.  We got Fuzzy’s for lunch, which you loved!

Christmas Vacation 

img_4071Way too much happened to keep up with over the Christmas break, so here’s one big post. 🙂

You found out where we keep the food, and you’ve been insatiable.  It was really warm, so we walked outside a bit and wore short sleeves on Christmas day.  You had another doctor visit; no ear infections anymore, and you got your 12 month shots.  You’re sleeping through the night after several days of letting you ‘cry it out’.  You love the cold weather.  And you REALLY love Mexican food!

You made out like a bandit on Christmas, getting presents from the grandmas, aunts & uncles, and cousins.  We also got you some bubble bath and tub toys to make your bath time more fun.  We spent lots of time at the malls… you’re welcome.

Year 2, Day 15

IMG_3866Oh shopping, how I loathe thee.  But, making the outing to the PGA Tour Super Store was worth it for dad.  Plus, you did really well for the most part.  What surprised me even more is that you sat through dinner with dad and me.   We found out during dinner that you’re a huge fan of pulled chicken and refried beans. 🙂 We still went to the mall after.

Day 8

IMG_0412Friday, 11/21/14, was a milestone for you; your first Tex-Mex experience.  Your dad and I have very specific ideals on babies in public (especially in restaurants), so we were as discrete and respectful as possible.  We arrived at the restaurant around 2pm, pretty much guaranteeing that we would be among the few people there.  We purposely took you to this restaurant because we’ve been long time patrons and were hoping to see the General Manager.  He’s known us for years and was very excited to meet you.  However, the GM wasn’t at the restaurant today, so we’ll have to take you back another time.

After the restaurant, we went to a local clothing retailer to get mom some new duds.  We saw that some of the Black Friday sales had already started, so why not take advantage of the sales while the retailer isn’t super busy?!  The entire time we were in the store, dad was wheeling you around and singing to you.  I think dad was having more fun than you were (well, you were asleep, because that’s what your stroller does to you). 🙂 You’ll learn that mom and dad have little tolerance for overbearing crowds and rude people, both of whom you find during Black Friday shopping.