Day 8

IMG_0412Friday, 11/21/14, was a milestone for you; your first Tex-Mex experience.  Your dad and I have very specific ideals on babies in public (especially in restaurants), so we were as discrete and respectful as possible.  We arrived at the restaurant around 2pm, pretty much guaranteeing that we would be among the few people there.  We purposely took you to this restaurant because we’ve been long time patrons and were hoping to see the General Manager.  He’s known us for years and was very excited to meet you.  However, the GM wasn’t at the restaurant today, so we’ll have to take you back another time.

After the restaurant, we went to a local clothing retailer to get mom some new duds.  We saw that some of the Black Friday sales had already started, so why not take advantage of the sales while the retailer isn’t super busy?!  The entire time we were in the store, dad was wheeling you around and singing to you.  I think dad was having more fun than you were (well, you were asleep, because that’s what your stroller does to you). 🙂 You’ll learn that mom and dad have little tolerance for overbearing crowds and rude people, both of whom you find during Black Friday shopping.

T- 30 Weeks

All I have to say is, BOOBS!  For crying out loud, they hurt so bad!  My nipples are sore, the sides and bottoms are tender, OH, and they’ve grown almost 2 full cup sizes.  Geez, boobs!  I think I’m going to make ‘boobs’ an expletive from now on.

From last week, my appetite has gotten significantly more restrictive, but that’s not due to lack of hunger.  I’m still hungry all the time, and it’s the kind of hunger that comes with mild pain.  I’m in this odd stage where nothing sounds good but I want to eat everything.  I still have my old favorites; Subway (Veggie Delight), Chick-fil-A (nuggets), and Chinese (Lo mein noodles).  Throw in a plain baked potato, some mac ‘n cheese, and steamed veggies, and that’s pretty much all I’ve been eating these days.  😦  Forget Mexican food, which was a favorite and a staple of mine.  Forget pizza, which was also on the regular rotation at my house.  Goodbye spicy, goodbye tomatoes and red sauce, goodbye salad, goodbye fish.  You’ve all been traded for carbs and food so bland it’s almost indecipherable.

As my husband and I prepare for the arrival of our little mighty mini (yes, it’s in November, so we have a while), I’ve noticed that we’ve started verbalizing our opinions on how to raise our children.  Sure, we’ve always had these opinions, but now we’re vocalizing them.  For example, we were out to dinner at a chain restaurant that has become increasingly popular with families.  We were sitting adjacent to a couple (our age or older) with two children (estimated 4 years old and 1 year old).  The couple sat at the table eating their dinners while their son (the 4 year old) yelled at his dad that he wanted to play.  The boy squirmed in his seat while his father half-heartedly attempted to control the boy and keep him in the chair.  The boy finally broke free of his parental clutches, ran around the table twice, and stopped in front of our table.  He then half asked/half yelled, “How are you doing?”  That got the attention of his mother who yanked him back toward their table.  The boy never sat back down.  He repeated his actions with other restaurant guests.  While this was happening, the baby was taking everything that was put on the table in front of her and throwing it on the floor; spaghetti, peas, carrots, napkins, and oyster crackers.  She even took off her little sandal and started chewing on it.  Once the baby started screaming, she got the attention of the mother.  Once the boy had disturbed the 4th restaurant guest, he got the attention of the father.  At that time, the couple decided that they were finished with their dinner and left the restaurant.  More than once, I muttered to my husband, “This will never be us,” and, “Pow Pow (synonymous with spanking).”  On more than one occasion, I judged the couple for being what I consider ‘bad parents’.

That being said, my husband and I agree that spankings are okay and that we’re okay giving spankings in public.  Our children will know the difference between inside and outside outside voices, and they’ll know when to use each.  Our children will have manners; I had to go through charm school, etiquette, and cotillion, and so will they.  We will not hesitate to leave whatever we are doing if our child starts acting up; I can buy groceries another time.  Our children will know the brevity of the statement, “Wait until your father gets home.”  Restaurants (with children) are reserved for special occasions until they’re old enough to how to act.  Bad behavior will not be tolerated; our children will not learn bad behavior at school and repeat it in front of us.  Our goal is to raise strong-willed, individualistic, athletic, and disciplined children.  They will learn that every negative action will have a consequence.  We are not going to be ‘helicopter parents’; our children will learn to fight their own battles.  Our children will grow up strong, knowing right from wrong, and knowing how to talk to people and treat them with respect.