Day 173

IMG_2084It finally happened, kiddo.  I licked my fingers and fixed your hair with my spit.  Yep, it happened.

Yesterday was Hop on Pop day, so today is glom on mom… not that I’m complaining!  I love snuggles with my baby.  Today, neither of my boys felt well.  Dad had an issue with dinner and his belly wasn’t feeling right, and your allergies were really, really bad today.  You were coughing and coughing.  After you went to sleep for the night, I gave you a breathing treatment.  You coughed a little through the night but stayed asleep.  I still had to get up and check on you, though.

Day 153

IMG_1799Who is happy?  You are!  I swear, dad gets the best pictures of you.

Today, dad played more golf, mom went to visit a vendor in Dallas, and we had a great evening indoors.  You came home in emergency clothes, and you had gone through another pair of clothes at school.  With bad weather headed into town and you in your disheveled state, we ran to get some dinner and headed straight home after picking you up from school.

The teachers at school say that you’ve been rolling around a ton and that you’re trying to crawl.  I’m pretty sure that you’re gearing up for crawling and I can hardly wait to see what that looks like.  The doctor thinks that you being able to sit up and being mobile will help with your cough and congestion, which are still looming.

5 Months!

IMG_1763You’re 5 months old today, kiddo!  Where has the time gone?  You’re still the happiest boy ever.  In addition to everything from month four, you’ve mastered the following:

  • respond to your own name
  • explore with hands and mouth
  • transfer objects between hands
  • distinguishes emotions by tone of voice
  • interested in mirror images
  • finds partially hidden objects
  • flirt, with baby girls and grown women alike

While you were with dad at the PGA SuperStore the other day, you met a little girl named Amanda.  You had an entire conversation with her, cooing and babbling.  Your facial expressions are becoming more and more expressive every day.  You’re loving cereal and discovering new sensations with your mouth and hands.  Your allergies are still bad, and you still have a cough and congestion (Spring is not your time of year).  I have a feeling that you’re going to be sitting, crawling, and almost walking within a couple weeks!

Day 148

IMG_1757Busy, busy, busy!  Let’s see what we did today.  You woke up at 4am, hungry, so that was an earlier than anticipated start to our day.  Dad played a round of golf with Uncle Justin and then brought us lunch (brought me lunch).  We went to Dick’s, Macy’s, another Macy’s, J.Crew, Sonic, Target, and Old Navy.  You were a champ the whole day and so good!  Only, I caught you looking around at ladies too many times, you flirt.

Once we got home, we were pretty much in for the night.  We watched the Masters, and it was so good.  I know, I can’t believe I’m saying that golf is entertaining, but it was.  Don’t worry, we’ll let you play golf with dad 🙂

Day 135

No pictures from today.  Just you, me, dad, and grandma; well, you and grandma for most of the day.  Dad and I went to Top Golf for a little while, and then we went to GolfTec to see our friend, Flint.

You’ve been excellent the last couple of days, even though your allergies are bothering you.  Mine and dad’s are, too.  You seem to have a little more congestion than normal, and you have a little cough again.  You’re not running a fever, so we know that you’re not “sick” and fighting anything.  We might start the breathing treatments back up to help with your cough… so you don’t get sick.

Four Months

IMG_1539This is you at four months old.  Friday, the 13th again… You’re the most popular infant at school.  Everyone calls you Mr. Smiles.  In addition to everything from month three, you’ve mastered the following:

  • facial expression imitation
  • support your whole weight on your legs
  • enjoy social play
  • reach with one hand, struggle for toys out of reach
  • track moving objects
  • you can almost sit up by yourself
  • responding to sound by making sounds

Your arms and hands are starting to hone in on objects, specifically anything on a face.  You grab Miss Janice’s glasses, my nose and mouth, dad’s ears, and grandma’s hair.  You’re loving being able to sleep on your tummy, and you tolerate tummy time a lot longer than you used to.  You’re such a stud!!!

Day 113

IMG_1478What’s that in your hand?  Is it a donut hole?  Why, yes it is!  Too bad you didn’t know what to do with it 🙂 Dad thought he would be cute and give you a donut while mom was at the spa.  Go figure… when you give you a toy, it goes into your mouth, but when we give you food, you just sit there!  After dad took the donut hole away and cleaned off most of your hand, he said that you did get a taste of the glaze!  SUGAR!

You and I had some quality bonding time today.  After I got done at the spa, dad got ready to go play golf (which took forever because of the soggy course).  You and I got to watch the second round of the WGC Cadillac and we kept dad updated.